Tonight after we went out for burgers, I decided it was time to go through the kids closets and get rid of lots of junk that we don't want/need anymore. We are also having carpet installed in the spare room, and the kids rooms this week, so that is another reason for my sudden burst of energy. You can't believe the amount of stuffed animals that were shoved in Britney's closet! Every time we go to Sea World, we hit the arcade and we always come home with TONS of overstuffed stuffed animals..LOL. I have saved all the kids clothes since they were both babies and I will be giving most of Brit's stuff to a lady at my work. Her daughter-in-law is due in a few months, so I figured I would offer the clothes. The lady across the street just had a baby boy, so there is another option to get rid of Tyler's old clothes too. I can't believe my kids were ever that little. Some of the cute little outfits made me think back and flash foward to now. How quickly things can change and how fast my babies have grown up.
At least now that I have started my Spring cleaning, maybe the rest of the house will get done (one day) before next Spring...
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