Sunday, March 16, 2008

Just Like Typical Children

I came home from work and the kids wanted to go in the pool (shocker!!). They had been in the pool up until lunch time and when I got home Brit just woke up from a nap and Ty was playing his Wii. As I am sitting and watching the kids happily playing in the pool, Britney says to Tyler "Tyler give me 5." He swims the whole length of the pool, under water, to get to his sister. She goes under water and they both are giving 5's to each other. Watching this it made me realize how much at that moment, BOTH my kids acted just like typical children would. What is really great is the fact that Tyler initiated giving Britney 5 after that for about 10 more times in a row. Every time, they both came up from the water giggling. Every day I am amazed at how much Tyler CAN understand and you would never know that he was autistic when he does little things like this. Time to get my fishies back out of the pool...

1 comment:

hope4jackson said...

Oh, Kari, this just brings tears to my eyes!!! I have had moments like that where autism ceases to exsist for a moment--it's like a glimpse, ya know? So glad you've got the pool open. I sooo wish we could pop over to swim!! ;)

We've got to get together!!!!