Monday, March 31, 2008

Making a Presentation

In the next few days/weeks, I will be educating my co-workers on Autism and awareness. April is Autism Awareness Month and I really don't think my co-workers actually know too much about autism and how much it can affect your life and your childs. I typed up a story about my personal journey with Tyler and what we have gone through to get him to where he is today. I am also going to show the Souls DVD so it can give others a glimpse of every day life. My managers thought it was an awesome idea and they jumped at the chance to give me the opportunity to present this information. I am nervous, but my co-workers are great. I know that after giving them some more info they will appreciate how lucky they are, and maybe give them a new appreciation for me being an advocate for my son.

1 comment:

hope4jackson said...

I am so proud of you for doing this! You've got to post your story you typed up here or on the board...(((hugs)))