Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Just wanted to Wish everyone a Happy, Safe Thanksgiving! I hope all the turkey dinners come out fabulous and everyone goes home stuffed just like a turkey. For all of you crazy people heading out for Black Friday, have fun and think of me at work at 6am!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy 7th Birthday, Tyler!!!

I can't believe that 7 years ago today, my little buddy Tyler was born. He was such a good baby, slept good for us and everything!

Tyler being diagnosed with autism has challenged not only him, but us as well. He strives to be the best and there are days that you would not even know he is autistic.

He is the light of my life and I can't picture my life without my little buddy.

Happy Birthday, Tyler!!

Momma, Daddy, and Britney x0x0

Monday, November 24, 2008

Nice Compliment

This morning I packed the kids in the van, sick and all and went to the grocery store. I needed to get the rest of our Thanksgiving meal. I had one kid in the seat part of the cart and another sitting where the food would soon be. As we maneuvered through the store and the cart filled up, the kids needed to walk with me. Britney helped me push while Tyler guided us at the front. We got everything we needed without any protest from the kids as to when we would be done or freaking out because they wanted something and made our way to the check out. There was an older woman in front of us and she turns to me and said that she had seen us throughout the store and wanted to compliment me on how well behaved my kids were. She said she has NEVER seen children act so good. I politely thanked her, all the while feeling horrible with this darn cold/flu bug. I told her I was actually suprised the kids were so good for me too considering they are sick and Tyler is autistic. She just smiled and loaded her things up in her cart. After she was done, she turns to us again and told us to have a good day and Happy Thanksgiving. I told her the same. It made me feel good that people notice that I am not a horrible parent, even though I question myself all the time.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Break

The kids will be on Thanksgiving break as of 2:45 this afternoon. I'm not sure what we will do this weekend. Kevin is in Vegas till Monday night. I might take the kids bowling. I want to get them some jackets, so will probably take a ride to Jc Penney for their big sale tomorrow. We have had some really cold weather this week. We are all paying for it too with bad colds! I feel so run down and I need to get better. I am scheduled to work Tuesday from 7:30 till 1:30 and again on Friday from 6am-2:30! Kevin will be shopping by himself on Black Friday again this year unless I can find someone to work for me. Don't you just love the holidays???

Monday, November 17, 2008

Lab Work

This month, both kids had well visit check ups. They are where they are supposed to be with height, weight, etc. I asked if we could have Tyler's iron checked to see if he may be anemic. We got a lab slip for the blood test. When I took Britney for her check up, we got a lab slip for a urinalysis test. When the girls turn 5, they like to check their kidneys and make sure everything is ok.

I decided to get the labs done today. I picked up the kids and told Britney that if she had to go to the bathroom, she will have to hold it a little longer. She couldn't do it, so I had her go in one of those kiddie bowls with a lid. I was hoping that it would be ok. Luckily, the lab said it was fine and I just switched it out with one the lab provided.

The fun part was next, getting Tyler's blood drawn. I had him sit on my lap and I just hugged him tight while 2 nurses were on either side of him doing what they needed to do. He whined for a quick second, drew some tears and it was all over. No fighting me, kicking, not even high pitched screeching! He did really good.

Just another mini milestone we have conquered. Tyler is growing more and more every day and I feel so proud of him right now!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Parent/Teacher Conference

I've been a little busy this week, so I am finally posting this now.

I met with Tyler's teacher about his report card and how he is doing up to this point in the school year.

Tyler is doing so well! He has met all but a few of his goals for this year already! His speech is getting better. The teacher said that he is more vocal every day and will protest and say "No" to things he may not want to do, but knows he has to do them. That sounds like a typical first grade response to me..:)

The teacher would like to see the autistic classroom turn into a general ed somewhere down the road. I asked her how she thought Tyler would do in this setting. She said that she thinks Tyler could handle it.

I am excited about this because she not only wants Tyler to succeed and be mainstreamed, but all the other kids as well. This teacher is awesome and she is giving these kids a little nudge to get them so that one day they just may be with typical children in typical classrooms!

This just goes to show you that with a little hope, these kids can go far and grow up and have normal lives.

I love my little buddy and I am so very proud of him and how much he has accomplished, autistic or not!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Community Yard Sale

We had our annual community yard sale today. I still have TONS of clothes that no longer fit the kids and I know someone is always looking for kid clothes. I had 2 bins full and 2 other huge space bags full. We did pretty good with getting rid of some of the clothes. We sold 2 room a/c units, video camera, water bubbler and some other kitchen stuff we no longer use. We did pretty well. We made $300! I think that is around the same amount we made last year too. I am exhausted because we were out there at 7:30 and were packing up finally around 1:30. There will be another yard sale in April. I'm sure we will be putting more stuff out then.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I've Been Selected

I was asked by Britney's teacher today if I would consider being the Classroom Mom. I told the teacher I would do it. I like to see how the teacher interacts with the kids and how she makes the learning fun for the kids. My only concern is that Britney is easily distracted if i'm in the room. I won't be in the classroom every day, but when I am, I want Brit to focus on her work. I will try out my new position and if its too much on Britney, then I will still volunteer without taking on the other responsibilites that come along with being Classroom Mom.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Good Report Cards

The kids got their report cards the other day. Britney did pretty well and Tyler did even better! I had my teacher conference with Ty's teacher today and so far, most of his goals for this year have been met. Tyler loves to help the teachers and paras out. If there is something out of place, my little buddy will put it where it belongs. He will write on the board things like this:
Today is.....
Yesterday was....
Tomorrow will be... and fill in the right day of the week. He really enjoys doing this and it has become his little "day starter" so to speak.

Tyler's handwriting has gotten better and he LOVES reading. I am thinking of getting Tyler the new Leap Frog reader pen for Christmas.

We are still trying to tackle the potty training. Good news is that he went twice last week in school! Now, if I can only get him to do it at home.

I am proud of my kids and I know they will succeed in whatever is thrown at them!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Baby Teeth

I have been wondering when Britney would lose some of her baby teeth. About a month ago, I looked in her mouth and discovered that she had 2 permanent teeth growing behind her baby teeth on the bottom. Tyler was 5 when he lost his and it seemed like she should have lost them by now. Well, she just came to me now and was all excited. She said "Momma, look." She lost one of the bottom baby teeth and the other is hanging by a thread. I asked her what she did with the tooth and she said she choked on it...LOL! So, the tooth fairy will have to leave a note for Britney tonight telling her she needs to save her baby teeth. I have only been able to save one of Tyler's 4 he lost too. He swallowed his too. Never a dull moment with these kids!