Sunday, December 30, 2007

16-0 Go Patriots!!!!

The Patriots did it! 16 and 0!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Calm After The Storm

Our Christmas was ok. I was really hoping this would be the year that Tyler "got" the whole Santa, Christmas, present thing. He did alright. He had to be prompted a few times to open his gifts, but he did open most of them by himself. As soon as something caught his eye though, he lost all interest in the other gifts. He has been enjoying his Smart Cycle and his Imaginarium Marble game. I guess I should not expect too much just yet. He is autistic after all and I know it is more for him to bear some times. He is getting better every day, just has difficulty with big celebrations and holidays.

I thought Britney would be screaming at the top of her lungs once she saw what Santa left for her. She walked out of the bedroom and was like "oh wow!" and that was it! She was sooo excited about Christmas this year and all I got was an "oh wow!" Oh well, maybe next year....

Monday, December 24, 2007

Here are my troops...

This is my favorite picture of the kids. Even though they are a little bigger now, it still is one of the best they have taken for me. One of these days, we will get a family photo taken....

Merry Christmas!!!!

Well, the long awaited Christmas Eve is here. The kids are bouncing off the walls with excitement. I am as ready as I will ever be for tomorrow morning. We will probably let the kids open one present each tonight. We will be getting our turkey dinner prepped tonight so we won't have to do it tomorrow morning in the midst of the Christmas morning hoopla. I did a last minute run to Wal-Mart earlier and it was absolute madness over there. I can't wait to see the kids reactions tomorrow when they see their gifts "Santa" left for them.


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Father/Daughter Night

Kevin took Britney to see the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey game tonight. She is becoming a real sports nut. She enjoys going to the Orlando Magic w/daddy and seeing Stuff do his funny dance moves and things. I bet she will get a kick out of the Lightning's mascot. He is pretty funny himself. It warms my heart to know that Kevin enjoys spending time with Britney. I think she feels pretty special too because she won't have to content with her brother!

Tyler and I are just relaxing around home tonight. Tyler is on his computer and eating his pizza. I need to get myself something made for supper. My stomach is rumbling...

Gearing up for the holidays!

Only a few more crazy shopping days left before Christmas. I can't believe another year has gone by. It has been a great year for us. I am looking forward to 2008 and hope it is even better than this year.

Tyler is making great progress since being placed in the autistic classroom. He is talking more every day. He is learning new things and is even taking more interest in things he could care less about before. Today, for example, we were driving back from the mall and out of the blue he says "Mickey Mouse." They have a tower in the shape of Mickey ears on the highway and he just blurted it out. I looked at Kevin in shock and asked if he really did just say it.

Britney is doing well herself. She is in her 2nd year of Pre-K and is getting a little bit too used to her teacher and that is going to be a problem next year because she will be in Kindergarten and she thinks her teacher now is going to be her teacher forever. She is already pitching fits because she does NOT want to go to Kindergarten. She is still learning how to write her name. She knows most of her letters and numbers. She will be attending the new elementary school that is opening in August of 2008. Its right across the street from our house so it will be so much easier shuttling the kids to different schools.