Saturday, October 16, 2010

This Year is Flying By!

I can't believe it is already October 16th! This year is really flying by.

The weather is getting a little cooler and I just love the cool, crisp mornings we have had lately. Of course, it doesn't last long and it gets back up into the mid 80's by noon time!

I have been asked when I would like to become a trainer at work. I think I am ready to take it up to the next level and see what happens. I won't start training until January when we have the new college program kids start, but at least I know I will get a few decent paychecks out of it :)

Things are pretty much the same around here between school, work, and Britney's taekwondo.

We are all excited to be able to get to go to the Tampa Bay Lightning hockey games this year. We got season tickets and we've already won our first game! Our next game is Monday night. It will be another fun night out for us.

Pretty soon it will be Halloween. Tomorrow Britney and I are going to pumpkin carve. I hope they come out good. Wish me luck!! Next, we will be looking for costumes. Britney wants to be a scary witch and i'm still not sure what to get for Tyler. Its got to be something without a mask. Maybe a SWAT team officer. We will see....

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Been MIA For a Long Time!!

So, there have been so many things going on in my crazy life that I am finally taking a few moments to catch everyone up.

The kids are back in our local county school. We had them in a different county for the rest of the year once Christmas vacation was over. They did well and loved the school, but it was just too much getting them there and picking them up in the afternoon.

This past April, I found out I was expecting another baby and a few weeks after, suffered an ectopic pregnancy. After going through this and finding out I needed surgery, I decided to have my tubes tied. If I was to get pregnant again, chances are that I would suffer from another ectopic and I just did not want to go through it again.

I also started working full-time in April and had to take practically the whole month of May off with my surgery.

Tyler is doing great. He is amazing us more and more every day. He is getting there with his training. He has been trying so hard and I know we will get there sometime soon!

Britney is taking taekwondo. She LOVES it! She was dancing last year too, but has decided to just stick with taekwondo. She is now a yellow belt with green bar. I am so very proud of her.

I hope to be able to come on and post more often, but it just seems like i'm always on the go.