Monday, March 31, 2008
Making a Presentation
In the next few days/weeks, I will be educating my co-workers on Autism and awareness. April is Autism Awareness Month and I really don't think my co-workers actually know too much about autism and how much it can affect your life and your childs. I typed up a story about my personal journey with Tyler and what we have gone through to get him to where he is today. I am also going to show the Souls DVD so it can give others a glimpse of every day life. My managers thought it was an awesome idea and they jumped at the chance to give me the opportunity to present this information. I am nervous, but my co-workers are great. I know that after giving them some more info they will appreciate how lucky they are, and maybe give them a new appreciation for me being an advocate for my son.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Come Such a Long Way
Last night, Tyler just kept talking and talking. He was saying something but I don't know if its a nursery rhyme or just repeating a story from a book. He kept saying "little duck, little duck, what do you see; I see a sheep looking at me." And just kept adding more animals into the mix. I think that is the most EVER words he has spoken in one breath. He has even taken an interest in books more too. He was laying in our bed last night flipping through a Thomas the Train book.
Every morning when he comes with me to drop Britney off, her teacher will say good morning to him. Now, he walks right up to her and says good morning before she does.
When he is playing Starfall on the computer, he will go to the calendar section. This morning, I asked him what day it was. He said "March 27, 2008." He even said Thursday too. I am just so happy that he IS learning, and he is continuing to learn. Every day something new amazes me about my special boy. Tyler has come such a long way. Even though he is delayed in other areas, it seems like he is getting there one day at a time. I have so much hope for him and for his future. He proves us wrong daily, so I hope he keeps it up...
Every morning when he comes with me to drop Britney off, her teacher will say good morning to him. Now, he walks right up to her and says good morning before she does.
When he is playing Starfall on the computer, he will go to the calendar section. This morning, I asked him what day it was. He said "March 27, 2008." He even said Thursday too. I am just so happy that he IS learning, and he is continuing to learn. Every day something new amazes me about my special boy. Tyler has come such a long way. Even though he is delayed in other areas, it seems like he is getting there one day at a time. I have so much hope for him and for his future. He proves us wrong daily, so I hope he keeps it up...
Happy Thursday!!!
I have today off, so I am playing catch up around here. I did some errands this morning. I have to go back to work tomorrow, but I don't have to be there until 10am. We are having a pizza party because we have all worked hard for the past few weeks and the managers felt we deserved a little something. I will have Saturday off too. We will probably just hang out and spend time with the kids. The kids are on their school vacation next week. I have to work 5 days again next week, so Kevin's cousin has volunteered to take Britney for a few days. Britney likes to go over to her house and spend time with her and her daughter and their pets. I think Britney likes it even more because she is the "center" of attention and she dosen't have to compete with Tyler for attention. Nothing else is new around here. Happy Thursday!!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Cadbury Creme Eggs

Ever since I was little, I have always LOVED to get these in my Easter basket. The only time they are around is for Easter, so I usually buy 4 of them every time I go shopping. I really don't know what it is I love about them, maybe its the chocolate, or the sugary "egg yolk middle", or because they are just plain old YUMMY! They say the Christmas holiday packs on the pounds, but for me looks like its Easter because of the Cadbury Eggs.
Britney Scissorhands
A little while ago, I noticed that Britney looked a little "different." When I got a closer look, I was horrified by what I was looking at. She had taken it upon herself to CUT HER HAIR!!! Looking at what she had done, I was either going to have to "fix" it or take her to Walmart to have it fixed at the hair salon. I was able to make it look alright. Not great, but it will have to do. She has been in desperate need of a haircut, but I haven't had the time to take her. I gave her bangs a trim last night, so maybe that is what got her started. All I can say is she reminds me of the movie Edward Scissorhands because there was hair all over the place once I caught on to what she had done. Oh, the joys of kids with scissors...
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Just Like Typical Children
I came home from work and the kids wanted to go in the pool (shocker!!). They had been in the pool up until lunch time and when I got home Brit just woke up from a nap and Ty was playing his Wii. As I am sitting and watching the kids happily playing in the pool, Britney says to Tyler "Tyler give me 5." He swims the whole length of the pool, under water, to get to his sister. She goes under water and they both are giving 5's to each other. Watching this it made me realize how much at that moment, BOTH my kids acted just like typical children would. What is really great is the fact that Tyler initiated giving Britney 5 after that for about 10 more times in a row. Every time, they both came up from the water giggling. Every day I am amazed at how much Tyler CAN understand and you would never know that he was autistic when he does little things like this. Time to get my fishies back out of the pool...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
My Little Fishies
This morning we went to a new outside mall. On the way back home, Kevin asked the kids if they wanted to go in the pool (stupid question). We finally got our heat pump fixed and the kids have been swimming every day after school this week. Tyler literally strips down on the way home from school and races through the house to be the first one dressed and in the pool. So, as soon as we walk in the door from the mall, off comes the clothes! Tyler is so funny. He really enjoys swimming, diving and just being goofy. Britney is slowly breaking herself in swimming too. She will stay in the shallow end and go under. Now, the next step will be trying to have her go out a little deeper with daddy. The pool is a good thing because it tires the kids out and they go to bed with little difficulty. I am proud of Tyler learning how to swim too. He has been swimming on his own since last year and is doing great. My little fishies are relaxing now and I bet they are waiting to hear those magic words again :)
Friday, March 14, 2008
Spring Cleaning

Tonight after we went out for burgers, I decided it was time to go through the kids closets and get rid of lots of junk that we don't want/need anymore. We are also having carpet installed in the spare room, and the kids rooms this week, so that is another reason for my sudden burst of energy. You can't believe the amount of stuffed animals that were shoved in Britney's closet! Every time we go to Sea World, we hit the arcade and we always come home with TONS of overstuffed stuffed animals..LOL. I have saved all the kids clothes since they were both babies and I will be giving most of Brit's stuff to a lady at my work. Her daughter-in-law is due in a few months, so I figured I would offer the clothes. The lady across the street just had a baby boy, so there is another option to get rid of Tyler's old clothes too. I can't believe my kids were ever that little. Some of the cute little outfits made me think back and flash foward to now. How quickly things can change and how fast my babies have grown up.
At least now that I have started my Spring cleaning, maybe the rest of the house will get done (one day) before next Spring...
Thursday, March 13, 2008
More of the Same

Well, I have worked all week again this week. I have today through Saturday off, then back to work all next week. On the days I have off, it is spent playing catch up around the house, grocery shopping, etc. I know that the parks will be especially busy in the coming weeks with Spring Breakers, school vacations, and the Easter holiday week. I have been informed that they may "need" me to work during these busy weeks. I can't complain about getting better paychecks, but things at home are in such disarray that I feel like I live in a pig pen! I am still working with Tyler and the potty training and it seems like I can't even dedicate myself to that anymore because I am doing a million other things playing catch up. I am just taking things one day at a time and doing the best that I can. More of the Same I guess...
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Finally Making the Connection
So, I am still on the potty training journey with Tyler. I have been working harder than ever to get him on his way to being pull-up free. He is learning to sit longer on the potty, but still isn't actually "going" on the potty yet. Lately, though, every time he has pooped, I find him wiping himself up because he can't stand the feeling. Tonight after bath time, I was putting some vaseline on him because of a small rash and as I was doing that, he was trying to poop. I brought him in the bathroom and he sat for almost 10 minutes. I knew he had to go, but again, no luck. I can honestly say that I think he is finally making the connection. As far as what is scaring him to go on the potty rather than his pull-up is still a mystery to me. I'm NOT giving up, just gotta work harder and I know one day this will be a HUGE victory not only for me to have both kids in underwear, but for my little buddy who is becoming quite the big boy :)
Sunday, March 2, 2008
How the Weekend Played Out
Well, here it is Sunday morning. Kevin called a little while ago telling me they were waiting their clearance off the boat. Friday while the kids were in school, I did some painting in the spare room (soon to be kids playroom). We will be getting new rugs for the playroom and the kids bedrooms soon. The afternoon was uneventful. Saturday morning, guess who woke up sick as a dog...ME! Oh what a joy to be home alone with the kids, sick! I spent 99.9% of the day in bed. I dozed off a few times, but the kids did fine. I went to bed by 9:30 and woke up at 7:30 this morning. I feel so much better. Must have been the darn 24 hr bug that Tyler had last week. I hope this is the end of the bug for all of us. I will just take it easy the rest of the day and get things ready for tomorrow. I have to work all week, so its gonna be another crazy week coming up.
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