Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008

Tyler's school was having a Halloween parade and a fall festival today. The kids were able to dress up in their costumes and have fun on the bounce house and get some goodies during their class parties. Tyler did awesome. He kept his costume on and participated without any trouble. I went to pick him up a little early and was able to talk with his teacher. She can't believe how much he has grown academically in just the few months school has been back in session.

Tonight, our neighborhood had Trick or Treat from 6-8pm. We went out and were not having any luck when we stumbled upon a house with a woman who was totally unprepared for the kids. She ended up giving Britney a 6 pack of donuts and Tyler some chips in a bowl. You should have seen the look on the kids faces. Not too sure what to think of the crazy lady! The kids did good. Tyler enjoyed himself. He's becoming more independent every day. When we got back home I watched as Brit passed out candy. I bought 6 bags and we got rid of every single piece!

It was a great day and here are some pics from tonight. Britney was Cinderella and Tyler was a Transformer.

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Glad the kids had fun !!