Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Thinking Back

As I sit here, I am thinking back to a year ago at this time.

Tyler was finally starting to make some progress with his speech and "getting" one step commands. I know alot of his progress is due to the wonderful teachers and therapists he has had. If he hadn't had them, he would not be where he is today.

His outside ST has been out on maternity leave since the end of October, and he has done really well w/o the outside ST. We have decided to put off going back to the outside ST for a bit longer. He is in the autistic classroom now and he gets 6 1/2 hrs each day of constant therapy, PLUS ABA therapy so it seems like the extra hour of outside ST won't matter too much.

Although I am still uncertain what his future will bring, I am grateful that he is learning and able to communicate with us better now than a year ago.

He amazes us every day and he will get there....

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