Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Listening to the Quiet

I am sitting here just catching up on a few things on the computer and I can't believe my ears. It is so quiet in this house you could hear a pin drop! Both kids are happily playing games on the Playhouse Disney website on their computers and its nice. A typical night around here is Britney wanting me every 2 seconds, Tyler wanting juice or a snack, Kevin in his man cave with the TV on and his computer going with his new addictive pirate game. Kevin has gone out to a Tampa Bay Lightning hockey game, so that is another reason why this house dosen't sound like a crazy house! Even the dog is quiet. Not whining because she has to go out. It probably won't last too much longer because bedtime is upon us and that has been horrible lately. I guess I will just relish in the next half hour and let the fun begin again!!!

1 comment:

hope4jackson said...

Ah! The quiet; relish it my friend!! It so rarely comes around! Now, you just need a glass of wine or a bubble bath to make it even better!