GO PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Superbowl Sunday
We are getting ready for the big game. Kevin has placed an order for some awesome cheesesteak and meatball subs. We will be ordering pizza and probably some boneless buffalo wings too. It should be fun. We are just having a few people over to watch the big game with us. Nothing huge. I am working until 2:30 and when I get home I will help set up. I will try and stay up for the whole game, but can't promise anything. I need to get the kids ready for school and myself ready for work Monday morning. We will have to see what happens.
One Big Happy Family
That was us since 1am this morning. Britney woke up coughing and camped out on our floor for the rest of the morning until it was time to get ready for school. Tyler decided to come visit us also at 2am. Tyler wedged himself between Kevin and I and was head-butting me like crazy! Tyler also was carrying on a conversation with himself. What the conversation was, I haven't a clue, but he seemed quite amused! Lately trying to get the kids to bed and STAY in bed has been such a chore. So much for a nice restful sleep. We certainly were one big happy family early this morning. I'm crossing my fingers it was just a fluke and sleep will resume as usual tonight...
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Listening to the Quiet
I am sitting here just catching up on a few things on the computer and I can't believe my ears. It is so quiet in this house you could hear a pin drop! Both kids are happily playing games on the Playhouse Disney website on their computers and its nice. A typical night around here is Britney wanting me every 2 seconds, Tyler wanting juice or a snack, Kevin in his man cave with the TV on and his computer going with his new addictive pirate game. Kevin has gone out to a Tampa Bay Lightning hockey game, so that is another reason why this house dosen't sound like a crazy house! Even the dog is quiet. Not whining because she has to go out. It probably won't last too much longer because bedtime is upon us and that has been horrible lately. I guess I will just relish in the next half hour and let the fun begin again!!!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Guys Night Out

Kevin took Tyler to Monster Jam 2008 in Orlando tonight. He wasn't sure how Tyler would like it so he showed some videos on the computer to Tyler and he LOVED it! He kept playing the videos over and over. They are there now and the fun will begin in 12 minutes. There are lots of things Kevin enjoys and would like to take Tyler along, but you can never predict when Autism will rear its ugly head. Kevin is trying to expose Tyler to different things little by little. He has been to Orlando Magic basketball games and as a family over the summer, we all went to a Tampa Bay Devil Rays baseball game. Tyler is slowly starting to tolerate these events now alot better than before. I really hope they both enjoy their guys night out!
**They are on their way home now, 10pm and Tyler had an awesome time! It was raining but Tyler didn't care. He would put his head up to the sky and try to drink the rain..LOL! Much to Tyler's protests, they are en route because Kevin got soaked! Such a great night for them! :)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Donuts for Dads

Today at Tyler's school was Donuts for Dads. Kevin took Tyler and ate breakfast with him. The dads got to have 2 donuts a piece and the kids got one. Tyler woofed down his donut like there was no tomorrow! Kevin got up to get a napkin to wipe Tyler up and by the time he got back, Tyler had finished one of Kevin's other donuts..LOL! I figured Tyler would cry when Kevin went to bring him to his classroom but he did awesome! No tears, he was just sort of like "bye dad." Tyler has gotten into such a routine now that I can safely say we are past the freak out stage when we leave him...:)
I'm so proud of my little man!!!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Patriots going to the Superbowl!!!!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Here is "my" Ariel
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Discipline and pushing buttons
We are trying to teach Britney how to be respectful and to not talk back and listen to us when we say things. If she wants something, I may have to tell her to wait and to her that means absolutely nothing! I have taken some favorite things away from her to pick up her messes or to do a simple task for me. She gets them back once the task is complete. I am really at my witts end with her. Tonight, for example, she wanted to hold her ferret and I told her no. She turns around and kicks me! With that, I picked her up, kicking and screaming and placed her in time out. The little devil she is, she decided she would hide behind the couch. I found her and put her back in time out. She sat there for 4 minutes, all the while whining "momma" over and over and over! I was blocking her out and totally ignoring her. It worked and once the 4 minutes were up, I walked over to her and asked her if she knew why she was in time out. She did and she apologized. I "think" she knows better now that I REALLY do mean business and I am NOT going to stand for her antics any longer. She really knows how to push my buttons more than she does with Kevin. I need to nip this in the bud now before she becomes totally out of hand and a spoiled little brat!!!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
How different my 2 kids are
Tyler is our oldest child and when he was a baby he hit all his milestones quick. He NEVER crawled. He went from rolling around right to walking at 7 1/2 months! We really thought he would be our genius child. It wasn't until he was a little over 1 that we noticed his speech wasn't where it should be. He has been in speech therapy since he was 1 1/2 and we recently stopped going to speech for him this week and he is 6. Every day he is more and more verbal and for that I am grateful. Granted, he is probably functioning at a 3 year old level, but he is getting there and is gaining more speech. Autism plays a HUGE part in our lives, but I love Tyler no matter what!!!
Britney is our "baby" and she is 4. Can I just say that this little "princess" as I like to call her, will NOT SHUT UP! I know I should be thankful that she is talking and able to do things like a normal 4 year old should, but she is constantly talking, talking, talking. I hate to admit it, but I look forward to her going to bed because I know she won't be talking then. I love her anyway.
I am just amazed at how different my 2 kids are and all the challenges they face are so diverse. Call me a crazy mom for wanting one child to talk and one to shut up....
Britney is our "baby" and she is 4. Can I just say that this little "princess" as I like to call her, will NOT SHUT UP! I know I should be thankful that she is talking and able to do things like a normal 4 year old should, but she is constantly talking, talking, talking. I hate to admit it, but I look forward to her going to bed because I know she won't be talking then. I love her anyway.
I am just amazed at how different my 2 kids are and all the challenges they face are so diverse. Call me a crazy mom for wanting one child to talk and one to shut up....
Friday, January 11, 2008
My Pretty Princess

Britney is into the Disney Princesses like crazy! All she talks about lately is Ariel and how she wants red hair just like her and how she pretends to "swim" like Ariel in the tub. Tonight, we went to Downtown Disney and I broke down and bought Britney her complete Ariel outfit. Dress, sandals, gloves w/purse and a red wig! As soon as we got home she put it on. Earlier today, I taped a few minutes of Good Morning America because they were doing a piece on the brand new broadway production of Disney's The Little Mermaid. I think nothing would surprise my little princess more than to try and get tickets for us to go to New York and see her face light up seeing Ariel up close and personal. Mommy will have to work a few more hours if I want to pull this off for us.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Thinking Back
As I sit here, I am thinking back to a year ago at this time.
Tyler was finally starting to make some progress with his speech and "getting" one step commands. I know alot of his progress is due to the wonderful teachers and therapists he has had. If he hadn't had them, he would not be where he is today.
His outside ST has been out on maternity leave since the end of October, and he has done really well w/o the outside ST. We have decided to put off going back to the outside ST for a bit longer. He is in the autistic classroom now and he gets 6 1/2 hrs each day of constant therapy, PLUS ABA therapy so it seems like the extra hour of outside ST won't matter too much.
Although I am still uncertain what his future will bring, I am grateful that he is learning and able to communicate with us better now than a year ago.
He amazes us every day and he will get there....
Tyler was finally starting to make some progress with his speech and "getting" one step commands. I know alot of his progress is due to the wonderful teachers and therapists he has had. If he hadn't had them, he would not be where he is today.
His outside ST has been out on maternity leave since the end of October, and he has done really well w/o the outside ST. We have decided to put off going back to the outside ST for a bit longer. He is in the autistic classroom now and he gets 6 1/2 hrs each day of constant therapy, PLUS ABA therapy so it seems like the extra hour of outside ST won't matter too much.
Although I am still uncertain what his future will bring, I am grateful that he is learning and able to communicate with us better now than a year ago.
He amazes us every day and he will get there....
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Back to school in FREEZING weather
Today was the kids first day back to school after Christmas break. It was absolutely FREEZING this morning. I think it was only 20 degrees! Here in Florida, its VERY unusual for the weather to be that cold! The poor kids were all bundled up and I could barely buckle them in their car seats!
I think they were both anxious to get back to their daily routines. I now have a "little" quiet time to myself to catch up on a few things.
My next task will be going through the kids rooms and "trying" to organize everything....
I think they were both anxious to get back to their daily routines. I now have a "little" quiet time to myself to catch up on a few things.
My next task will be going through the kids rooms and "trying" to organize everything....
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