Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Need To Experiment

Since Tyler has gotten over the "bug" he had, he won't eat his usual foods of choice. The other day he was throwing a fit because he wanted pizza and we were out. I went to the store and they didn't have the brand he likes. I picked up another kind and he refuses to eat it. He won't eat grilled cheese anymore, just dumps it in the trash. He also won't touch more than 2 pieces of his peanut butter toast. I think I need to experiment with different foods and see if maybe his taste in food is changing. I hope that may be the case and I can now start giving him things that are actually better for him rather than the handful of usuals. It would make meals around here so much easier rather than being a short order cook all the time. Time will tell...

1 comment:

hope4jackson said...

I so feel your pain. I hope that Tyler starts to expand his palate...Jax surprises us every so often. Sounds like you have been busy...hope Brit's first day of kindergarten goes well...
