Sunday, April 6, 2008

First Day Presenting My Story

Today I was given the opportunity to speak to 7 cast members about our personal autism journey and what life is like every day for us and many other families. We started by watching the Souls DVD, followed by a copy for each person of our personal story with Tyler. My co-workers really seemed interested in what I was saying and asked some great questions. I think I opened their eyes more to autism and it made me feel like I was making a difference. As the next few weeks go on, I will be continuing my presentations and when all is said and done, I sincerely hope that by me taking the time, my fellow co-workers will be more understanding and compassionate towards our guests that we see at our ticket windows who have children with autism. Updates to follow in the next few days/weeks...

1 comment:

hope4jackson said...

I'm so proud of you Kari!!!
I also sooo hope the rain stops for you...