Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Giving It Another Try

Today when I got home with the kids, Kevin was on his computer. He called Britney over to talk to her. He was showing her the dancing school that she went to before and dropped out. He was thinking of some things that she could do over the Summer so she won't be bored and to get her to socialize more. At first, she was apprehensive but he convinced her to go down to the school and check it out again.

They just got back and we have paid for her to take 2 classes a week. If she likes it, and dosen't drop out this time, we will see about getting her in classes during school.

The first time she went, she was 3 and was about to start school. Now that she is older and knows some kids, she might enjoy it now.

So, we are going to give it another try and see what happens.

She is like her mother in the dancing aspect. When I was younger, I did the same thing and dropped out. I freaked because I could not do a somersault..LOL! I know Britney will be better than me!

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