Monday, December 1, 2008

Christmas Decorating

We got our "real" tree on Saturday. In the past, we have had artificial ones. I didn't feel like getting it down from the attic and putting it together, so we gave in and got a real one. We set it all up and let it loosen up for the day/night. I went to work on Sunday and when I got home, Britney and I decorated it. It looks pretty good. I also decorated the bushes out front and I have a wreath with prelit lights on the door. I will be tying my big red bows on the carriage lights tomorrow.

We got some of our shopping started for the kids, so we are doing good!

I will probably go out this week and pick up a few more things. I need to buy a grab gift for my work party on Friday night too.

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...minus the snow!!


Barbara said...

Where do you have an XMAS party at Disney?
Have Fun !!

hope4jackson said...

So glad you posted about getting down the artificial tree, dan and I thought about getting one, this year, but decided against it. Putting up a real tree is a pain, but probably not any less than putting up a fake one!