Only a few more crazy shopping days left before Christmas. I can't believe another year has gone by. It has been a great year for us. I am looking forward to 2008 and hope it is even better than this year.
Tyler is making great progress since being placed in the autistic classroom. He is talking more every day. He is learning new things and is even taking more interest in things he could care less about before. Today, for example, we were driving back from the mall and out of the blue he says "Mickey Mouse." They have a tower in the shape of Mickey ears on the highway and he just blurted it out. I looked at Kevin in shock and asked if he really did just say it.
Britney is doing well herself. She is in her 2nd year of Pre-K and is getting a little bit too used to her teacher and that is going to be a problem next year because she will be in Kindergarten and she thinks her teacher now is going to be her teacher forever. She is already pitching fits because she does NOT want to go to Kindergarten. She is still learning how to write her name. She knows most of her letters and numbers. She will be attending the new elementary school that is opening in August of 2008. Its right across the street from our house so it will be so much easier shuttling the kids to different schools.