Its hard to believe another Christmas has come and gone. The year goes by way to fast now! Both kids enjoyed Christmas. Santa had a hard time coming up with gifts this year for them. They both have all the electronics, so its getting harder and harder each year to be creative with gifts!
Britney got a few BIG gifts. Santa gave her an early present this month. She went to see Miley Cyrus with Kevin. They had great seats. They sat 3 rows from the stage! Britney was so happy!! She also got a cat. So far Sophie is behaving and has not charged the cat.
Tyler got some DS games, Candy Land game, The Zippity from Leapster. He has been feeling a little under the weather lately, so hopefully he will feel better to play some of these games this week.
I got a beautiful diamond/sapphire ring and my Mr. Coffee Frappe maker. Kevin got a back massager, storage caddy for his phone, keys & wallet. He also got an automatic change machine and last but not least shaving stuff!
The tree and decorations are down till next year already!
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!